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Becket Primary School

Attendance and Punctuality: A Guide for Parents and Carers

It is important for all children to attend school on a regular basis, and be on time to help them get the best out of their school day.

Thank you to all parents who support their children through regular attendance at school. Below are a few facts about attendance and punctuality.


  • The gates open at 8:30am.
  • School Gates are locked at 8:55am and any late comers must come into school through the main reception.
  • Late comers must sign in at the school office so that registers can be updated.
  • The registers close at 9:30am.
  • If your child is late after 9:30am it is classed as an unauthorised absence, unless there is proof of a medical appointment.


  • There will be times when your child is poorly. When this happens please contact the school on the first day of illness on 01332 347595 where you can speak to the office or leave a message on our absence line.
  • If your child is fit and well we expect them to be in school.
  • If your child’s attendance rate falls below 90% a referral will be made to the Educational Welfare Service.
  • If the reasons given for your child’s irregular school attendance are not satisfactory, the Educational Welfare Service may take legal proceedings against you.

Leave of Absence

  • School does not grant permission to take children on holiday during term time.
  • If a child is taken on holiday during term, the absence from the school will be un-authorised and reported to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice.
  • Payment is £80 per child if paid within 21 Days.
  • Payment is £160 if paid within 28 Day.

Fines apply per parent per child.

If not paid the matter will be placed before the Magistrates Court.

  • There may be other exceptional circumstances when you need to take your child out of school e.g bereavement, appointments. Please discuss these with Mrs Guest.

For any leave of absence parents/ carers must complete a Leave of absence Sept 2024 form which is available from the school office or our website.