Vision and Values
Mission Statement
Our mission is to enable our pupils to lead successful and fulfilling lives. We will ensure that all the children and young people in our care have the opportunity to fulfil their potential through achieving highly, regardless of their ability or background. We aim to be a centre of truly excellent teachers and teaching assistants, where members of staff are committed to their own learning journey and the sharing of quality practice.
Our Vision
At Becket Primary School, our focus is on learning not just within and across subject areas, but also the personal development of all learners who attend our school. We provide children with a safe, happy school in which pastoral care is given high priority by dedicated staff, and expecting and promoting the highest standards of behaviour for all.
We strive to inspire all learners to go beyond what they consider possible for themselves, to experience and try new things and to realise all aspects of their potential. There are no limits put on any of our learners; we wish to ignite a passion for learning and for life that will remain with them as they move on to their next phase of their learning journey.
Our Values

Be Kind |
Work Hard |
We expect children and staff to show kindness at all times. We teach children how to be kind, and how to react when we see or experience unkindness. All staff model this core value at all times to other adults and children alike. | We encourage our children to work hard in all aspects of their lives; their learning, their friendships, their relationships at home, their mental heath and their physical health. |
Be Respectful | Be Honest |
We model respect to each other, and expect children to show the same levels of respect to each other, their teachers, their friends and their families. We expect children and adults to be polite and respectful at all times. | We encourage children and adults to be honest at all times, even when it is hard to do so. We admit when we have made mistakes, and understand that we can fix these mistakes with support from those around us. |