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Becket Primary School


Starting Nursery

Funded 3 and 4 year old childcare places

  •  All 3‐ and 4‐year‐old can start the term after their third birthday
  •  3‐ and 4‐year‐old funding offers a total of 570 hours per year, often taken as 15 hours per week for 38 weeks a year.  Some providers will allow parents to ‘stretch’ the hours over 52 weeks, using fewer hours per week, it can be used with one or more childcare providers.
  • The funded is not intended to cover the costs of extras (meals, nappies, sun cream, additional hours or additional activities).



30 hour funded for 3 and 4 year olds

Where both parents or a single parent are working 16 hours or more per week a child might be eligible for an additional 570 hours per year, often taken as an additional 15 hours per week for 38 weeks a year.

Parents will need to apply to HMRC to get their code and revalidate the code every 3 months to keep it active.

More information can be found here:- 30 Hours Frequently Asked Questions

To apply for a 30‐hour code visit: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

How to find your 30 Hours Code if you have already applied

Tax Free Childcare

• For working families, including the self‐employed, in the UK
• Earning under £100k and at least £152 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) each
• Who aren't receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers
• With children aged 0‐11 (or 0‐16 if disabled)
• For every £8 the parent pays into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year, this gives parents a 20% discount on their childcare fees!
Universal Tax Credits – childcare element are for working families claiming Universal Credit, with children under 17 years old.
• Parents can claim back up to 85% of eligible childcare costs. They could get up to £646 a month for one child, or £1,108 for two or more.
• They can use tax credits for childcare to help pay Ofsted registered childcare or approved childcare.
• Both parents, or one parent in single parent households, must be working, or they are due to start work, and are claiming Universal Credit.
• Parents can’t claim tax credits at the same time as Tax Credit or Tax‐Free Childcare.

 For more information on affordable childcare, please click on the link below:-

Derby City Council's Family Information Service and Affordable Childcare


Support for parents who are studying

  • Care to Learn ‐ some parents could get weekly payments through Care to Learn if they are under 20 at the start of a publicly funded course, such as a school or sixth form.
  • Discretionary Learner Support ‐ a parent can apply for Discretionary Learner Support to pay for childcare if they are 19 or over and in further education, for example, if they are studying for an NVQ,
    BTEC or PGCE.
  • Childcare Grant ‐ a parent can apply for a Childcare Grant if they are in full‐time higher education to pay for childcare costs for children under 15 (or under 17 if they have special needs).

 More information
• Childcare directory – www.derby.gov.uk/childcaredirectory
• Family Hub directory – www.derby.gov.uk/family‐hub/
• Childcare choices ‐ www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
• Childcare calculator ‐ www.gov.uk/childcare‐calculator


Welcome to the Nursery class at Becket Primary School. 

Please find below information you will need for your child starting school.

The admission form and consent form must be completed and returned to school.  A paper copy can be collected from the school office or can be found below.

Please spend time with your child sharing the Induction booklet together.

Why I Am Special

Useful Information

Attendance & Punctuality Leaflet
Payment Links