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Becket Primary School



At Becket Primary School we aim to provide high quality physical education for all pupils to help support their physical development, health and well-being by providing a wide variety of physical activities to develop their skills in many areas including dance, games, gymnastics, athletics, outdoor learning, swimming and core skills such as agility, balance and co-ordination. Through consolidation and a progression of skills, children are able to express themselves and excel in a broad range of activities. As well as independent skills, the children learn the values of being a team player through co-operation and competition.

All children are expected to participate in P.E lessons and encouraged to be active at social times.  We aim to nurture a desire to lead a healthy, active lifestyle by providing many different extra- curricular activities that appeal to boys and girls throughout the school.

Through a consistent programme of study across KS1 and KS2, pupils develop the skills and qualities necessary for their transition into KS3.


P.E is a foundation subject which fits in our ‘Physical, Health and Well-Being’ area of learning It is taught weekly as discrete lessons. We deliver a range of sports and activities (including a year-long swim programme in Y3) which enhances physical skills and techniques as well as developing character and social skills of fairness and respect. The children gain an understanding of the importance of physical well-being whilst building the confidence and desire to engage in and enjoy physical activity.

A typical P.E lesson will include:

  • A clear set of aims and objectives.
  • Lesson related warm-up.
  • The opportunity to explore relevant skills and technique through structured drills and exercises.
  • Ready access to appropriate equipment (P.E store is well stocked).  
  • The opportunity to apply skills through a range of different games and challenges.
  • The chance for children to share their knowledge and understanding with peers, through physical demonstration and/or verbal explanation.

Students are challenged accordingly. SEND students may receive 1:1 support if necessary, access different equipment if required and have modified tasks as well as adjusted targets dependent on need. Children with sensory and/or anxiety issues may engage on an elective or timed basis and access the activities in quiet/assisted zones. Higher ability students are encouraged to work independently and set their own goals.

Formative on-going assessment is carried out during each lesson. Students are advised on technique and skill development through verbal feedback, target setting and peer assessment. Individual assessments are included in the student reports at the end of each academic year.

We offer many extra- curricular opportunities including gymnastics, tennis, badminton, mixed football, girls’ football, tag rugby and dance. Some of these involve competition against other schools. Becket is proud to enjoy long-standing partnerships with Déda Dance Centre, Derby County Football in the Community and Darley Abbey Cricket Club.


Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Becket Primary School; not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines that PE promotes. Through strong links with PHSE we promote the overall well-being and health of each child through teaching about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of their own health and fitness.  

In all classes, children possess a wide range of physical abilities. Whilst recognising this fact, we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. Children at Becket Primary School make good progress in PE and are eager to attend after school clubs and competitive sports events. 




pe curriculum map a b pptx.pdf