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Becket Primary School

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Before and After-school provision is available to all Becket pupils in Reception to Year 6.  If you need to contact Mr Leech in After School Club and nobody answers on the school phone number, please call 07767 559294.  Thank you.

Breakfast Club:

7.50am – 8.30am: Monday - Friday

After-school Club:

3.30pm – 4.30pm: Monday - Friday


3.30pm – 5.30pm: Monday - Friday 


4.30pm - 5.30pm: Monday - Friday (for pupils who wish to take part in an extra-curricular club provided by the school followed by wraparound care)

Our Before and After-school provision is located on our school premises, offering an easy, reliable, and practical solution for your child’s before and after-school care needs. 

Our aim is to provide a structured, supervised environment enabling children to choose their own activities at the beginning and end of their school day. 

Our breakfast club opens from 7.50am each morning. Children will have a choice of healthy cereals, toast and/or fruit available along with milk and/or water and children are able to access any activities of their choosing.  The children will be taken to their classroom at 8.30am where they will be given to opportunity to join their friends for a breakfast bagel.

Our after-school provision opens from 3.30pm each afternoon. All children are collected from their individual class teacher and are escorted to After School Club which is located in The Hub in the Key Stage 2 area.

Children who book into after-school club until 5.30pm are offered a light tea such as sandwiches, beans on toast etc, a pudding and a drink of squash, milk or water. 

Before school provision is provided at a cost of:

7:50am – 8:30am £5.00 per session
8:15am - 8:30am £2.00 per session

After-school provision is provided at a cost of:

3:30pm – 4:30pm £5.00 per session
4:30pm – 5:30pm £6.00 per session 
3:30pm – 5:30pm £11.00 per session


Bookings and payment can be made via EduSpot SchoolMoney.  We also accept various childcare vouchers (more information below).

At Becket Primary School we use SchoolMoney for all online payments.  It is an easy, safe and secure way to pay for your child’s trips, dinners, before and after school clubs and uniform purchases online via your debit or credit card.

Logging into SchoolMoney

We will send you an email or a text message to start the process. This will contain details such as the web address and the password you will need to log on with.  Please let us know if you haven’t received a text or email, it may be that we don’t have the correct details for you.  Also, if you have previously registered and don’t remember your password, please let the school office know and we can send you a link to reset your password.

To log in:

  • Go to www.schoolmoney.co.uk (this web address will be provided to you in your text/email). This will bring up the parent log in page.
  • Input your mobile number, email address and the password that has been provided by the school.
  • Press log in and it will take you to a page that asks for your child’s first name. This is the first name only.
  • Type in the name and select ‘confirm,’ this will log you into the payments screen.

Booking  a Club

To pre-book your child’s club sessions - this will be found in the Clubs section of the options menu.

Each club that is available to book will appear underneath your child’s name and will be listed in date order. They appear on a week-by-week basis.

• Click on the + sign next to the week you would like to pre-book. This will open the booking and show you the days that are available

• Click on the drop-down box next to the day you would like to book and choose the session you need

• Once all sessions have been chosen, click ‘Add to Basket’ 

• A pop up box will appear letting you know that the booking has been saved. The club will highlight in yellow to show that it has been added to your basket.

• Repeat for any other weeks you want to book.


If you don’t have access to the internet or want an alternative way of paying for clubs (or dinners, trips or school uniform), we offer the facility to use PayPoint.  This allows you to go into any shop that has PayPoint and pay for your child using a credit/debit card or cash.

You will need to collect your child’s own unique barcode from the school office.  You then take this to the shop to be scanned and hand over the payment.  Once you have paid for the items using PayPoint in a shop, you will be able to collect your purchase(s) from the school office (please bring your receipt as evidence that you have paid).

schoolmoney parent user guide.pdf



For further information, please contact the School Office on 01332 347595 or email admin@becket.derby.sch.uk 


We also open the school gates at 8:30 to allow children to arrive early and settle into class, and each class in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to join an enrichment club until 4:30 every evening after school. 

 Becket Primary Breakfast Offer

Becket Primary School is proud to be in partnership with the National School Breakfast Programme, working with Family Action, providing healthy breakfasts to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn.

The National School Breakfast Programme provides Becket Primary School pupils with nutritious breakfast food to ensure children start their school day in the best possible way.  Breakfast gives children the energy needed for the busy school morning, enabling them to focus on their lessons.

Here at Becket Primary School we are committed to fuelling learning by ensuring that no child is too hungry to learn.  Breakfast improves pupil behaviour, punctuality, attendance and wellbeing. It’s a fantastic investment in our children’s future and the future of this country. 

 Classroom Bagels

Children have access to freshly toasted bagels every morning at the start of the school day.

Venue: Classroom

Time: 8:30am

For more information on the National School Breakfast Programme provision please contact the school office.

Ingredients and Allergen Info 2024  

Tax-Free Childcare

The Government can help you with childcare costs.  You can get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year). 


  • For working families, including the self-employed, in the UK
  • Earning under £100k and at least £142 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) each
  • Who aren't receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers
  • With children aged 0-11 (or 0-16 if disabled)
  • For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year

More information can be found here.